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Pakistan Punjab

Maryam Claims Only Nawaz Can Control The Soaring Inflation

Maryam Claims Only Nawaz Can Control The Soaring Inflation

Pakistan Muslim League-N’s Chief Organiser and Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif has declared that, just as the country was saved from default within 16 months, her party, led by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, would also relieve the population of the burden of inflation and increasing electricity costs.

The announcement came after widespread protests and outrage over skyrocketing electricity prices in the face of rampant inflation. The deterioration of the situation forced the administration to convene a meeting to examine relief measures for the people affected by inflation.

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“Within 16 months, we saved Pakistan from default, and now we will protect the people from inflation.” “It’s upsetting that the public has to deal with issues like inflation and higher electricity bills,” she remarked at a meeting with leaders and executives from the party’s Punjab Women Youth Wing. She claimed that Nawaz Sharif had previously saved the people from inflation, terrorism, and power outages, and that he would do it again in the face of rising electrical rates.

“If the development process had not been halted, there would have been no tears in the eyes of the common man today.” “Today’s issues stem from the four-year era of Project Imran,” she added.