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Bushra Ansari informed Humayun Saeed to stop addressing her as ‘Aapa’ because her husband is younger than him

Bushra Ansari informed Humayun Saeed to stop addressing her as 'Aapa' because her husband is younger than him

Bushra Ansari, a prominent Pakistani film and television actor, recently shared a humorous anecdote during an interview with a local news channel. She recounted how she jokingly instructed her colleague, Humayun Saeed, to stop addressing her as “Aapa.” Her reasoning, delivered with a touch of wit, was that she has a younger husband than him, implying a reversal of traditional honorifics might be in order.

Despite her playful request, Bushra clarified that she doesn’t mind being called “Aapa,” seeing it as a mark of respect. She contrasted it with the formality of being addressed as “Madam,” a title she feels is reserved solely for the legendary singer Noor Jahan. To her, “Aapa” carries a warmth and familiarity, often used by cameramen and directors out of reverence on set.

In a lighter moment, Bushra humorously suggested testing the term “Aapa” on a younger actress like Hania Aamir to see the reaction it elicits. This playful banter reflects Bushra’s lively and engaging personality, endearing her to fans and colleagues alike.

Read More: Humayun Saeed Affirms Role in ‘Gentleman’ Draws Inspiration from Munna Bhai

Recently, Bushra also made headlines by announcing her marriage to Iqbal Hussain, her longtime partner. This announcement was met with overwhelming support and affection from her admirers, marking a new chapter in her life at 68 years old. Reflecting on her marriage, Bushra attributed it to divine will, dismissing societal expectations about women’s roles and decisions later in life.

Known for her positive demeanor on set, Bushra shared insights into her approach to work, emphasizing the importance of leaving personal issues at home. She revealed her reputation as one of the most easy-going actors in the industry, alongside Javaid Sheikh, known for his constant laughter on set. Bushra also mentioned her preference for doing her own makeup to avoid potential dissatisfaction, highlighting her proactive approach to maintaining harmony in work environments.

Throughout her career, Bushra Ansari has not only entertained audiences but also inspired with her resilience, humor, and candid reflections on life and work in the entertainment industry.