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Sarim Burney’s Pre-Arrest Video Message Goes Viral

Sarim Burney's Pre-Arrest Video Message Goes Viral

In a recent development, the final video message of esteemed social worker Sarim Burney has surfaced on Facebook. In this video, Burney responded to the allegations against him with a warning.

Burney’s message carried a tone of resolve as he stated, “Many have tarnished my reputation, but God willing, I will respond with solid evidence very soon. I have remained silent for too long, but now I will speak up, even about things I never wished to address.”

Read more: FIA Arrests Human Rights Activist Sarim Burney

He further added, “I have never engaged in such activities. Some have compelled me to speak. How long can I remain silent while they continue to tarnish my reputation?”

Burney emphasized, “Everything can be tolerated, but accusations against one’s character cannot be ignored. People only shoot arrows in the air, but I will present evidence. Many engage in noble deeds, but I have been particularly honored by God. I will respond to people’s allegations myself and seek justice from God.”

It is noteworthy that on June 5th, federal investigative agency officials took Sarim Burney into custody based on complaints filed by the American government.

According to available information, Burney had been residing in the United States for some time, and investigations were underway regarding allegations of human trafficking against him by the FBI.

Authorities revealed that Burney had allegedly declared some children as orphaned, who were then left outside his office. These children were given to childless couples in America for residence.

However, investigations unveiled that some individuals in Pakistan were willing to send their children to America through illegal means, which Burney’s trust facilitated by declaring them as orphaned and arranging for their settlement in the US.

Officials also disclosed that the American government had lodged complaints regarding 25 to 26 children, but evidence of human trafficking of only 16 to 17 children to America has been found by the FBI through investigations.