PMDC to Launch E-Certification for License Renewals, Reducing Processing Time

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Dr. Rizwan Taj, President of the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), has directed the council’s IT team to develop and implement an e-certification system for license renewals and Good Standing Certificates. This initiative is part of the PMDC’s efforts to improve the efficiency and user experience for medical and dental practitioners.

In a statement released on Thursday, Dr. Taj emphasized that this digital transformation aims to modernize the PMDC’s registration processes, making the issuance of these crucial documents entirely digital.

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The shift to e-certification is expected to drastically reduce processing times, providing faster and more convenient access to renewal licenses and Good Standing Certificates for practitioners. While these processes previously took several days, the new system is projected to complete license renewals within 6-7 days and issue Good Standing Certificates in just 1-2 days.

The upgraded digital infrastructure will also enable the PMDC to process up to 300-400 applications daily, significantly boosting overall operational efficiency.

Dr. Taj noted that the current manual system is both time-consuming and resource-intensive. The new digital system will streamline operations by moving from manual processing and mailing of hard copies to online applications, electronic certificate generation, and direct digital delivery. This change will reduce printing and mailing costs, cut down on paper usage, and enhance digital security to prevent fraud and forgery.

Since the updated portal’s launch in June 2024, the PMDC has processed 17,524 renewal cases, completing and issuing 16,692 of them. Additionally, nearly 5,063 doctors and dentists have applied for Good Standing Certificates in the past two months, with 4,891 certificates issued.

Dr. Taj highlighted that preparations for the e-certification system are underway, including the development of necessary technological infrastructure, staff training, and process alignment with the new digital approach.


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