Murree To Experience Rain And Snowfall Today

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Murree To Experience Rain And Snowfall Today

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]During the snow season, Murree, Pakistan’s most popular tourist destination, experienced an influx of visitors, prompting authorities to emphasize the importance of adhering to safety rules and regulations.

According to the latest weather update for the weekend, the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecasted rain and snowfall in Murree due to the influence of a westerly wave affecting various parts of the country.

Read more: Tourists Barred From Entering Jam-Packed Murree Amid Heavy Snowfall

The weather in Murree, Galyat, and the surrounding areas was expected to remain cold and partly cloudy, with moderate showers and snowfall anticipated over the weekend. On Saturday, the minimum temperature was projected to be -03 degrees Celsius, with a maximum of 4 degrees Celsius.

In anticipation of possible snowfall, the Murree administration elevated the alert status of all relevant departments and issued an advisory for tourists. Visitors were strongly advised to take all necessary precautionary measures.

Snow enthusiasts, despite facing challenges on slippery roads, were encouraged to stay updated on weather conditions before traveling to Murree. Tourists were also urged to adhere to traffic rules to ensure the smooth flow of traffic.

The administration reported a significant influx of traffic, with thousands of vehicles entering Murree and other regions that were blanketed in heavy snow. The heavy snowfall in popular tourist destinations led to visitors being stranded, as the hill station received more than 10 inches of snow within the last 24 hours.

Amid extensive traffic jams, vehicles struggled to navigate the slippery roads, resulting in long queues on the Murree Expressway. The Highway Authority and local administration are working tirelessly to clear the roads of snow, addressing the challenges posed by the substantial snowfall.

The scenario in Murree underscores the need for proactive measures to manage the influx of tourists during snowfall, ensuring both the safety of visitors and the efficient functioning of transportation infrastructure. As the region remains a sought-after destination for snow lovers, the local administration plays a critical role in addressing the challenges associated with heavy snowfall and facilitating a positive experience for tourists.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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