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Jamat-e-Islami Calls September 2 Strike Against Electricity Bills

Jamat-e-Islami Calls September 2 Strike Against Electricity Bills.

Amidst nationwide protests against soaring electricity bills, including calls for civil disobedience, Jamaat-e-Islami declared a countrywide strike on September 2, opposing inflated bills.

Jamaat-e-Islami leader Siraj ul Haq urged local authorities to review electricity tariff rates and announced a nationwide protest for September 2.

Read more : PM Kakar Holds Emergency Meeting Regarding High Electricity Bills

Haq expressed the intention to mobilize citizens across Pakistan to protest against the injustice, as the public, particularly those with fixed salaries, struggle to afford basic necessities.

The party leader emphasized that silence in the face of significant electricity bill hikes is not an option, stating that people are grappling to make ends meet.

Protesters have set their electricity bills on fire in various parts of Pakistan, demanding the withdrawal of added taxes and the recent electricity price increase.

Pakistan is witnessing fuel protests for the third consecutive day, driven by rising energy and fuel costs, compounded by currency devaluation, leading to heightened inflation in the country.