The Islamabad High Court, under the leadership of Justice Sardar Ijaz Ishaq Khan, held a hearing on Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s petition for release from a US prison and her return to Pakistan. During the session, it was revealed that Dr. Siddiqui’s clemency appeal had been rejected by former US President Joe Biden, and the United States had declined to engage in any prisoner exchange agreement with Pakistan.
Dr. Fauzia Siddiqui, along with her US lawyer Clive Smith, appeared via video link, while Imran Shafiq, the petitioner’s lawyer, and the additional attorney general were also present. Justice Khan expressed concern over the US rejecting clemency for Dr. Siddiqui, pointing out the contrast with Biden’s decision to pardon his own son while not securing the release of a Pakistani prisoner.
Also Read: Private Team to Visit US for Dr Aafia’s Release
The court also received reports from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the foreign visits of the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, as well as the absence of Pakistan’s ambassador in meetings related to Dr. Siddiqui’s case. The hearing was adjourned for two weeks to allow further discussions.