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Sinusitis: The Most Annoying Condition for Allergic Patients

Sinusitis: The Most Annoying Condition for Allergic Patients

In some areas of the world, sinusitis (swelling of internal membrane of nasal sinus or both sinuses) is most common and annoying situation. It not only disturbs sleep but also cause cough, which cannot be tackled with bronchodilator drugs. When nasal drops are instilled, even then persistent cough annoys! But this cough is also positive diagnosis about true medicine is used in addition to Para nasal sinusitis (PNS) X-ray.

Also Read: Importance of Seeking Expert Medical Advice

Common treatments include using nasal drops, nasal spray, steroid inhalation and steam. But herbs come with long lasting cure with there beneficial effects. These include:

Green tea: Prepared with Ginger 1 gram and cloves 3 pieces.

Peppermint tea: Prepared with 1 stick cinnamon and 3 cardamoms.

Ginger tea: Prepared with fennel 1 gram and 2  pieces cardamoms.

Steam: Eucalyptus leaves is also a good choice.

Common anti allergic drugs used are Fexofenadine, desloratidine, Levocetirazine.