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UK Female Diplomat Strikes Islamabad Cop, Evades Arrest With Diplomatic Immunity

UK Female Diplomat Strikes Islamabad Cop, Evades Arrest With Diplomatic Immunity

A British diplomat driving a car owned by the UK High Commission hit a police constable, causing injuries. The incident occurred at Radio Pakistan Chowk on Constitution Avenue during a power outage, where traffic was being managed manually.

The constable, from the Security Division, was riding his motorcycle towards Radio Pakistan Chowk when the road was clear. The diplomat, driving a sedan on Constitution Avenue from D-Chowk, ignored the signal from an Islamabad Traffic Police officer and struck the constable, causing him to fall and sustain injuries.

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The injured constable, named Amir Dad, was taken to Polyclinic hospital for medical treatment. A police spokesman confirmed that the driver was a third secretary at the British High Commission and that the police seized the official car for legal action.

The diplomat was allowed to depart after providing identification, while further proceedings are ongoing.