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Tweet Viewing Limits Cause a 983% Increase in “Delete Twitter” Searches.


According to an analysis of Google search data conducted by comparison service CasinoAlpha, online searches for ‘Delete Twitter’ and ‘Delete Twitter account’ surged by 983% and 520% respectively in the United Kingdom after the social network limited the number of tweets users can read.

This change prompted backlash and confusion among users, leading to an increase in searches for ‘Is Twitter down’ by 4,173% in the UK and 3,880% worldwide.

The limitation on the number of tweets users can view was implemented to combat data scraping and system manipulation, as explained by Elon Musk in a post.

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However, the lack of clear communication about these restrictions has resulted in a significant rise in searches querying if the platform is experiencing technical issues.

Furthermore, searches for ‘How to delete Twitter account’ skyrocketed by 2,806% worldwide on July 1, indicating that UK-based account holders sought information on how they would be affected by the changes.

These findings suggest that while Twitter aims to attract users to its paid subscription platform, Twitter Blue, where users can read ten times the number of tweets compared to free account holders, the limitations have driven a substantial number of users to consider deleting their accounts.