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TikTok Launches Special Portal for PTA to Remove Offensive Content

TikTok Launches Special Portal for PTA to Remove Offensive Content

TikTok has responded to concerns raised by the Peshawar High Court regarding offensive content on its platform by providing the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) with a dedicated portal. In a letter addressed to the Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court, TikTok clarified its stance and actions taken against offensive material in Pakistan.

The social media platform acknowledged receiving reports of offensive content and affirmed its strict policy against such material. TikTok emphasized its proactive approach in blocking reported offensive content through the portal provided to the PTA. Importantly, TikTok stated that the PTA has not recently reported any offensive material through this channel.

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In response to media coverage and the court petition seeking a ban on TikTok due to offensive content concerns, TikTok has urged the PTA to utilize the dedicated portal for reporting any offensive content promptly. While TikTok has not yet decided on participating in the ongoing court proceedings, it assured compliance with local laws concerning offensive content.

TikTok reiterated its commitment to adhering to Pakistani regulations and ensuring a safe environment for its users in the country.