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Sri Lanka Raises Fees For Various Visas

Sri Lanka Raises Fees For Various Visas

Sri Lanka’s government has raised visa fees across various categories in a bid to stimulate tourism and boost the economy.

Under the revised fee structure, the standard tourist visa fee for non-SAARC countries, valid for 180 days with a maximum stay of 60 days per visit, has been increased to $75, with additional charges totaling $100.77, including a $18.5 service fee and a $7.27 convenience fee.

Read more: South Africa Introduces Digital Nomad Visa, Sparking Debate

SAARC country tourists will also see a fee hike from $20 to $35 for the standard visa, with exceptions for Singapore, Maldives, Czech Republic, and Seychelles.

Furthermore, fees for other types of tourist visas have also been raised. Foreigners applying for a two-year multiple-entry tourist visa now face a fee of $300, while those seeking five-year and ten-year multiple-entry visas are required to pay $500 and $1,000, respectively.

The cost of business visas has also been increased, with standard tourist visas for business purposes now priced at $35 for SAARC country nationals and $73 for nationals of other countries.

The fee hike has raised concerns among industry stakeholders, who fear it may deter potential tourists despite government efforts to attract visitors. Despite improvements in the tourism sector in 2024, the government aims to attract 2.3 million tourists and generate over $4 billion in income.