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South Africa Introduces Digital Nomad Visa, Sparking Debate

South Africa Introduces Digital Nomad Visa, Sparking Debate

South Africa joins global trend with digital nomad visa introduction, sparking debate. While seen as a milestone in attracting remote workers, reactions vary.

Public feedback sought on draft regulations in February, yet final regulations unchanged, leading to criticisms of disregarding public opinion. Interestingly, regulations implemented before public comment deadline expired.

Read more: New Zealand To Revise Tough Visa Rules For Parents

Some see visa as opportunity to boost tech industry by attracting foreign talent, while others express concerns about potential consequences like higher living costs, inequality, and tax evasion.

Critics point out lack of clarity on visa aspects such as salary requirements and eligibility for freelancers. Legislative hurdles, including amendments to Income Tax Act and Copyright Bill, may complicate implementation.

Notably, New Zealand also considering digital nomad visa to attract remote workers, a move praised by freelancers.

Updates on South Africa’s digital nomad visa conditions will be provided once confirmed.