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South Korea Accuses North Of Sending Trash-Filled Balloons

South Korea Accuses North Of Sending Trash-Filled Balloons

South Korea accused North Korea of sending numerous balloons across the heavily guarded border, dropping items like trash and waste, labeling the action as reprehensible and hazardous. Military units were dispatched to gather and examine the objects, while residents were cautioned to avoid them and report any sightings.

Over 150 balloons were reportedly detected by Wednesday, some landing and others still airborne, as per local military sources. South Korean activists, often led by North Korean defectors, have historically sent balloons carrying critical messages about Pyongyang, sparking tensions between the two countries.

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Images released by South Korea’s military showed balloons attached to plastic bags, with trash scattered around, including a bag marked “excrement.” North Korea’s vice defence minister previously threatened to retaliate with waste in response to South Korean balloons carrying what they deemed as “dirty things.”

While previous South Korean administrations tried to halt such campaigns, a 2021 ban on balloon launches was deemed unconstitutional for infringing on freedom of speech. Despite the ongoing military standoff, experts note that balloon launches pose less risk of military escalation compared to overt military actions, albeit causing distress to civilians targeted in the process.