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Pakistan Islamabad

Shah Mahmood Qureshi SENT FOR Physcial Remand

Shah Mahmood Qureshi SENT FOR Physcial Remand

ISLAMABAD – In the federal capital on Monday, a special court granted a four-day physical remand for Shah Mahmood Qureshi, PTI Vice Chairman, under the Official Secrets Act in connection with the cipher case.

Judge Abual Hasnat, who serves as an anti-terrorism court (ATC) judge, was bestowed with additional authority to adjudicate cases arising from the recently enacted laws pertaining to classified information.

Read more : PTI leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi Arrested

Qureshi, apprehended by the FIA in Islamabad on Saturday, was presented before the special court for the cipher case linked to the United States.

At the start of the hearing, the FIA requested a 13-day physical remand of the prominent PTI member for the alleged recovery of the missing cipher. In response, Qureshi’s legal representative opposed this request.

The FIA prosecutor conveyed to the court that a team had also questioned the PTI chairman in connection with the same case while he was in Attock jail.

Subsequent to listening to the arguments, the court deferred its decision on the FIA’s plea. Ultimately, the judge sanctioned a four-day physical remand for the distinguished PTI figure.

Earlier on the same day, a dedicated court was established under the provisions of the Official Secrets Act, coinciding with President Dr. Arif Alvi’s denial of authorizing controversial bills designed to augment the military’s authority.