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Saudi Arabia issues a terror alert in Pakistan along with others countries

Saudi Arabia issues a terror alert in Pakistan along with others countries

A day after the governments of the US and the UK issued warnings to their respective citizens in Pakistan, the governments of Saudi Arabia and Australia on Monday also forbade their citizens from travelling to a five-star hotel in Islamabad due to the potential threat of a terrorist attack.

In a statement, the Saudi Embassy urged its residents living in Pakistan to remain cautious and prevent from unnecessary travel. Along with other diplomatic offices, the Australian High Commission urged its citizens to stay away from the five-star hotel. Similar warnings have already been sent by the diplomatic embassies of the US and the UK. Due to the possibility of an attack, the US Embassy issued a statement on Sunday forbidding American government employees from going to a private hotel in Islamabad.

The US administration was informed, it said, of evidence suggesting that individuals unknown may have planned to attack Americans at a hotel in Islamabad at some point over the holidays. The US Embassy website has an alert that states that all American employees are not permitted to enter the hotel in Islamabad as of right away.

In addition, “the embassy is encouraging all Mission staff to refrain from non-essential, unofficial travel in [the federal capital] throughout the holiday season,” the message continued. “Islamabad has been placed on a Red Alert citing security concerns while forbidding all public gatherings.” On September 20, 2008, a dumper truck packed with explosives exploded in front of a five-star hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing at least 54 people and injuring many more.

Pakistan was shaken by the explosion because terrorists had broken through the Red Zone Zone’s protection, which was home to important government facilities and diplomatic offices. The US issued first advisory and threat notice after a police official chose martyrdom and many other people were hurt when a suicide bomber detonated himself during a check-up in Sector I-10 of Islamabad.

Since 2014, Islamabad had not experienced a suicide attack.  Terrorist assaults have increased significantly since the Afghan Taliban retook control of Kabul. Official statistics show that Pakistan has counted 420 terrorist strikes since August 2021.

The banned terrorist group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has taken credit for 141 of these attacks just in the last three months. To develop a new approach to deal with the TTP’s revival, a significant review is now being conducted. According to official sources, a military operation to halt the new wave of terrorism is imminent. Major decisions are expected to be made during a National Security Committee meeting in the upcoming weeks.