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Record Electricity Generation in Pakistan’s History

Record Electricity Generation in Pakistan's History

On Monday, Pakistan generated the most electricity in the country’s history, at 25,516MW.

According to a Ministry of Energy statement, power generation eclipsed all previous records on August 21. The highest-ever power generation of 25,516MW was reported on August 21 during 24 hours.

This beat the previous maximum power generation record of 24,600MW on August 18. Furthermore, the highest energy ever measured was 558.35GWH on August 21, exceeding the previous record of 555.33GWH on July 8.

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According to the government, overall load-shedding hours and shortfalls were lower this year than the prior year. The areas of maximum recovery did not face more than two hours of load shedding. With 5,000MW already added to the system this year, the generation capacity is now breaking its previous records.

The record high generation is of little relief to the general public with electricity consumers facing rising bills.