Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has unveiled a major initiative to distribute 100,000 e-bikes and 50,000 scholarships to students next year. The announcement was made during a ceremony at Okara University, where she also handed out scholarship cheques to students and received portraits and photographs as tokens of appreciation.
Maryam Nawaz described the Talented Students Scholarship Program as the largest of its kind in the country’s history. She emphasized her dedication to education, stating, “I’m here to speak my heart and listen to the students.”
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Commending Education Minister Rana Sikander Hayat, she praised his resilience and commitment, noting his ability to accept criticism while delivering results. She also encouraged everyone to pursue truth in their efforts.
Maryam Nawaz confirmed that 30,000 students would receive scholarships this year, increasing to 50,000 next year, alongside the distribution of e-bikes to 100,000 students. She stressed that these scholarships recognize students’ merit rather than being charitable handouts.
Additionally, she announced plans to establish Okara Medical College by 2025 and shared news of the first laptop shipment under the student support scheme. She assured that the scholarship program strictly follows merit, with no consideration of political affiliations or recommendations.
The event ended on a lively note as Maryam Nawaz interacted with students, took selfies, and engaged warmly with young women, creating an upbeat and friendly atmosphere.Punjab Launches 100,000 E-Bikes and 50,000 Scholarships