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Punjab government approves tourist glass train project from Rawalpindi to Murree

Punjab government approves tourist glass train project from Rawalpindi to Murree

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and PML-N President Nawaz Sharif chaired a five-hour-long meeting during which Senior Provincial Minister Maryam Aurangzeb provided a detailed briefing on the Murree Development Plan. The plan encompasses various initiatives aimed at enhancing the region’s infrastructure and aesthetic appeal to boost tourism and preserve its historical significance.

The meeting approved extensive beautification and renovation efforts in Murree, focusing on improving the overall visual appeal and functionality of the area. A significant project introduced during the meeting is the development of a tourist glass train connecting Rawalpindi to Murree. This initiative aims to offer tourists a scenic and unique travel experience. To ensure global standards and expertise are incorporated into the planning and execution phases, international consultants will be engaged for the tourist glass train project.

Efforts will also be made to restore the historical names of cities, areas, and buildings, including those in Murree, to preserve and celebrate the region’s heritage. High-rise hotel buildings that obstruct the natural scenery on Mall Road will be removed. Hotels currently located at the famous GPO Chowk will be relocated to alternative sites to improve the area’s visual appeal.

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A uniform appearance, signage, and color scheme will be applied to historical buildings, particularly on Mall Road, to maintain aesthetic consistency and preserve historical integrity. Additionally, the authority to approve amendments to building regulations for construction in Murree has been transferred to the provincial level. This change is intended to streamline the approval process and ensure that new developments align with the overall development plan.

These measures reflect a comprehensive approach to modernizing Murree while preserving its historical and natural charm, making it a more attractive destination for tourists and ensuring sustainable development.