Pakistan Walks Out as Netanyahu Speaks After Shehbaz at UNGA

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After addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif led a walkout in protest when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak. The entire Pakistani delegation joined him in leaving the session.

Sharif had just returned to his seat after delivering his speech when Netanyahu was called to the podium. This walkout was a significant expression of dissent from Pakistan, with delegations from other countries also protesting and walking out during Netanyahu’s address.

Read more: PM Shehbaz Claims Indian Troops Terrorize Residents in Occupied Kashmir at UNGA

In his speech, Sharif condemned Israel’s relentless bombardment of Gaza, describing it as a “genocidal war” and a humanitarian catastrophe. He highlighted the suffering of Palestinian civilians, especially women and children, and called for an immediate halt to the violence.

Expressing deep sorrow, Sharif stated, “Our hearts bleed as we witness the tragedy unfolding in the Holy Land.” He emphasized that this situation is not merely a conflict but a systematic slaughter of innocent people and an assault on human life and dignity. He urged the international community to stop the bloodshed and pursue a lasting peace, advocating for a two-state solution that includes a sovereign Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Sharif also questioned, “Can we remain silent while children lie buried under the rubble of their homes?” He asserted that the blood of Gaza’s children stains not only the hands of the oppressors but also those complicit in prolonging the conflict. Additionally, he called for Palestine to be granted full membership in the United Nations, emphasizing the urgent need to protect Palestinian lives.

Over three days, global leaders at the General Assembly have condemned the atrocities in Palestine, calling for an end to Israeli aggression. Pakistan’s walkout marked the most notable protest during Netanyahu’s speech, further highlighting the demand for justice in Gaza.


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