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Over the past week, China reported approximately 13,000 Covid deaths.

Over the past week, China reported approximately 13,000 Covid deaths.

After a top health official stated that the vast majority of the populace has already been infected by the virus, China reported about 13,000 hospital fatalities linked to COVID between January 13 and January 19 across the country.

Since Beijing abruptly removed anti-virus regulations last month, there has been significant scepticism over official data. A week earlier, China claimed that approximately 60,000 people had died in hospitals from Covid as of January 12.

According to a statement released on Saturday by China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over the course of the period, 11,977 people died from other diseases that were also co-infected, including 681 hospitalised patients who passed away from respiratory failure brought on by coronavirus infection.

The statistics do not reflect people who passed away at home due to the infection. Over the Lunar New Year break, according to Airfinity, the number of Covid deaths per day in China would peak at over 36,000. The company also calculated that since China abandoned the zero-Covid policy in December, more over 600,000 individuals have passed away from the disease.

Tens of millions of people have recently travelled across the nation in anticipation of long-awaited family reunions to commemorate the greatest festival in the lunar calendar, which happened on Sunday. This has caused concerns about new outbreaks.

“Although a lot of people travelling during the Spring Festival may, to some extent, aid in the epidemic’s spread… Wu Zunyou, head epidemiologist at the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said on China’s Weibo platform on Saturday that the current wave of the pandemic has already infected nearly 80% of the population of the nation.

The likelihood of a second wave of the pandemic sweeping the nation in the near future, say within the next two to three months, is extremely remote. One of the largest global mass migrations of people is expected to occur this month and into February, according to China’s transport officials, which anticipate that over two billion trips would be made.