A groundbreaking discovery in the world of arachnology has led to the identification of a new species of funnel-web spider, Atrax christenseni, named after Australian spider enthusiast Kane Christensen. Christensen, who has worked with deadly spiders at the Australian Reptile Park for over 20 years, noticed significant differences in funnel-web spiders brought from the Newcastle area, north of Sydney, prompting him to investigate further.
Christensen’s observations about the larger size and distinct genital bulb features of male funnel-webs from Newcastle led him to collaborate with scientists at the Australian Museum. DNA testing confirmed the discovery of the new species. The large male funnel-web, named “Hemsworth” for its notable size, was identified as a member of this newly discovered species. With a leg span of 9.2 cm, Hemsworth holds the title of the largest male funnel-web ever recorded at the Australian Reptile Park.
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The discovery of Atrax christenseni brings the total number of known Australian funnel-web species to 38. The Newcastle funnel-web, which diverged from the Sydney funnel-web 17 million years ago, is characterized by unique reproductive organs and larger copulatory bulbs that prevent successful mating with its Sydney counterpart. While the venom of the new species is similar to that of the Sydney funnel-web, experts believe its larger size may result in more potent venom delivery.
Despite the potential danger posed by the species, the introduction of an antivenom in 1981 has significantly reduced fatalities from funnel-web spider bites, and it is expected to be effective against this newly identified species as well. The exact locations where the Newcastle funnel-web is found are kept confidential for conservation purposes.