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Mohammad Ahmed on TikTokers: Thirty-Second Comedy Feats

Mohammad Ahmed on TikTokers: Thirty-Second Comedy Feats

Last night, the ever-talented Mohammad Ahmed graced the popular Pakistani chat show Mazaq Raat to share insights on showbiz and more. Known for his iconic roles as a father figure in TV dramas, Ahmed has made a lasting impact on Pakistani entertainment both on and off screen. However, what really captured everyone’s attention was when the Radd actor discussed his recent venture into the world of TikTok.

Yes, you heard it right—this drama maestro is exploring TikTok! With a gleam in his eye, Ahmed shared his initial thoughts on the short-form video platform, commenting, “TikTok is an experiment for me. I used to wonder how someone could effectively convey their content in just thirty seconds.”

Ahmed also commended the hidden talents from Pakistan’s rural areas, often overlooked despite their skills. “In our rural areas, there are many talented individuals who impress me with their work. Unfortunately, if they were to audition, they might not be taken seriously. With TikTok, at least they have a platform to express themselves,” he remarked.

Also Read: TikTok Removes 93.5% of Reported Content in Pakistan to Comply with Local Regulations

His admiration for these creators was palpable as he added, “I used to be quite impressed by them because it’s tough work. Making someone laugh or even smile in just thirty seconds is no easy feat.”

While many celebrate platforms like YouTube and TikTok for democratizing pathways to fame, veteran figures from traditional media have often held contrasting views. Ahmed’s perspective stands out, particularly against the backdrop of critics like actor-producer Fahad Mustafa, who has frequently criticized ‘content creators.’

In an interview with host and former cricketer Shoaib Akhtar, Mustafa questioned the influx of TikTok personalities into mainstream dramas. “Many TikTokers build a following and then transition to acting in dramas. Would you accept them as actors?” posed Shoaib. Mustafa, also known for hosting Jeeto Pakistan, responded, “The issue isn’t mine; it’s theirs… because I’m also a producer. I’ve met many of these individuals. ‘Content’ is the most overused word in this country.”

He went on to critique, “There’s no real content. Everyone is airing their personal lives.” Mustafa highlighted how these creators often depict everyday activities at home, from cooking in the kitchen to family interactions, sometimes resorting to extreme measures for views.