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Karachi Weather Forecast. Anticipated Scattered Rain Showers In The City

Karachi Weather Forecast: Anticipated Scattered Rain Showers In The City

The Meteorological Department has forecasted light rain in some southern parts of Karachi this evening. Over the next 24 hours, the weather is expected to be partially cloudy in the city. The forecast indicates cool and partially cloudy nights on both Sunday and Monday. The minimum temperature in Karachi is projected to range between 13 and 15 degrees Celsius during this period. Throughout the day, winds are expected to blow from both the northeast and southwest directions.

This weather update provides residents with information about potential rain and the overall weather conditions in Karachi. The Meteorological Department’s predictions offer valuable insights into temperature ranges and wind directions, helping people plan their activities accordingly.

Read more : Punjab and Potohar Brace for Rain: Lahore Weather Update Indicates Cold Tightening Grip

Residents and authorities can use this information to prepare for any changes in weather patterns. The mention of light rain and partly cloudy conditions informs individuals to be cautious if they plan to be outdoors during the specified period. Additionally, the details about wind direction provide insights into the overall atmospheric conditions in the city.

Weather forecasts play a crucial role in public awareness and safety. They enable residents to make informed decisions about their daily routines, outdoor plans, and the need for any protective measures. Authorities can use such forecasts to implement precautionary measures, especially in the case of adverse weather conditions.

In summary, the weather update for Karachi includes a prediction of light rain in certain areas, partly cloudy weather, and cool nights for Sunday and Monday. The forecasted minimum temperature range and wind directions offer valuable information for residents and authorities to plan their activities and take necessary precautions. Stay tuned to weather updates for any changes and be prepared for the specified weather conditions in the coming days.