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Karachi Police Apprehend Gang Implicated In Child Abuse

Karachi Police Apprehend Gang Implicated In Child Abuse

Orangi Town police have announced the arrest of six individuals linked to a gang engaged in the sexual exploitation of minors.

At a press briefing, SP Orangi Town Saad bin Obaid disclosed that the gang specifically targeted children between the ages of 10 and 14. Three children have been rescued, and incriminating videos were discovered on the suspects’ mobile devices.

According to SP Obaid, the gang not only sexually abused the children but also kidnapped them. The investigation gained traction after a child was reported missing on May 11, leading to the exposure of the gang.

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The leader, Nisar, reportedly enticed children from a gaming store with small amounts of money, subsequently holding them captive and subjecting them to abuse.

To avoid detection, the suspects utilized helmets obtained from online motorcycle services to transport the children discreetly.

Those apprehended include the ringleader Niaz and his associates Bahadur Shah, Ali Akbar, Malik Qasim, Tanveer Abbas, and Rahimullah.