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Indian Electorate Dismisses Modi’s Divisive Rhetoric In Elections

Indian Electorate Dismisses Modi's Divisive Rhetoric In Elections

As India’s general elections near their conclusion, initial results indicate a notable shift in voter sentiment. According to a recent CNN report, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces a significant setback, challenging his earlier claims of securing 400 seats. The elections have recorded the lowest voter turnout in Indian history, indicating widespread dissatisfaction among the electorate.

Modi’s electoral campaign heavily relied on divisive rhetoric, particularly targeting the Muslim community. However, this approach seems to have backfired, with Indian voters rejecting his polarizing speeches.

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Criticism has been directed towards Modi for his inflammatory statements, including allegations against the Congress of favoring Muslims over other communities in distributing wealth and employment opportunities. These remarks have faced severe backlash from civil society and the Election Commission.

Since assuming office in 2014, Modi’s government has pursued Hindutva policies, contributing to a surge in extremism. Recent speeches in Rajasthan and West Bengal, where Modi insinuated that the Congress would prioritize Muslims over Hindus, have further escalated tensions. Both domestically and internationally, such tactics have drawn condemnation, tarnishing India’s global image.

Beyond Modi’s divisive narrative, public discontent also stems from his failure to address pressing issues like escalating unemployment, particularly among the youth aged 20 to 24, where joblessness exceeds 50%. This economic dissatisfaction has led to a decline in support for Modi and the BJP.

The release of opposition leader Arvind Kejriwal from jail has compounded Modi’s challenges, highlighting the growing political unrest. Despite Modi’s efforts to mobilize extremist Hindu voters, his electoral strategy has not yielded the anticipated results in the Lok Sabha.