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Pakistan PSL Punjab

ICC official lauds Rawalpindi police for PSL security

ICC official lauds Rawalpindi police for PSL security

The security measures put in place by the Rawalpindi police to safeguard the cricketers taking part in the Pakistan Super League matches taking place at the cricket stadium in the garrison city were “appreciated” on Monday by a delegate of the International Cricket Council.

Moreover, City Police Officer Syed Khalid Mahmood Hamdani and ICC representative David Snare met to discuss security measures for the Pakistan Super League. In order to ensure security for the PSL games, Mr. Snare “complimented the excellent security procedures” put in place by the Rawalpindi police.

According to a police spokesman, CPO Hamdani met the ICC security representative during the evaluation of security responsibilities for the PSL. “I am looking at the security plans for the international players,” the spokesman quoted the CPO and complimented him and the Pindi police for “doing a terrific job”.

Read More: Rawalpindi pitches receives the “below average” rating from ICC 2nd time this year, Chances of suspension.

The Rawalpindi police shared a video of a chat between a police officer and an ICC representative on Twitter in the meantime. Regarding PSL security, it was stated that the CPO was “doing a good job”. Under the direction of CPO Syed Khalid Hamdani, the Rawalpindi Police are ensuring perfect security to make the event safe and enjoyable for everyone, the security officer was cited as saying by the official handle.

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