How can date seeds contribute to weight loss?

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

How can date seeds contribute to weight loss?

For centuries, date seeds have been valued for their natural healing properties, especially in treating kidney and gallstones. Rich in essential amino acids, oxalic acid, and fiber, they not only support digestion but are also increasingly recognized for their role in weight loss.

Despite these numerous benefits, date seeds are often discarded, their nutritional value overlooked. However, nutrition experts are now encouraging people to integrate date seeds into their daily routines.

Natural Weight Loss Aid

Nutritionists emphasize that powdered date seeds can be particularly effective in weight loss, especially for those struggling with obesity. According to experts, date seeds enhance metabolism and are beneficial for diabetics by helping to regulate blood sugar levels. A simple recipe involves roasting the seeds until brown, grinding them into powder, and combining with ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, and a sweetener like honey. Consuming this mixture after Suhoor and Iftar during Ramadan can boost metabolism and aid in weight management. The powder can also be added to drinks, food, or used in baking for an added nutritional boost.

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Beauty Elixir for Skin and Hair

Date seeds also offer significant cosmetic benefits. Amira Rizk, a beauty expert, notes that powdered date seeds mixed with honey can serve as an anti-wrinkle mask. Applying this mask twice a week rejuvenates the skin and reduces wrinkles. For hair, combining date seed powder with olive and castor oils can improve hair growth and thickness when used as a weekly treatment.

Whether for weight loss, skincare, or hair care, date seeds are a versatile and valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle.


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