Great Discovery Related To Dinosaur Tracks As Water Levels Drop

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Great Discovery Related To Dinosaur Tracks As Water Levels Drop

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]As Texas endured an unprecedented summer heatwave and a worsening drought led to declining water levels, a team of volunteers made an extraordinary discovery: they unearthed new, potentially 110-million-year-old dinosaur tracks.

Paul Baker, the retail manager at Dinosaur Valley State Park, expressed astonishment, saying he had “never seen this many dinosaur tracks” before. The prolonged drought in Texas exposed more prehistoric relics. A severe dry spell has afflicted parts of Texas since June, with over a third of the state now affected by extreme drought, according to the US Drought Monitor.

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The sweltering conditions caused the limestone in the riverbed to reach temperatures of up to 128 degrees Fahrenheit in some areas, exacerbating the dryness. Nevertheless, the drought did not magically reveal well-preserved tracks, as the tracks were typically buried under layers of gravel, sand, and dried mud. Many volunteers worked for weeks to remove the sediment and uncover the tracks.

The newly discovered tracks are believed to belong to two theropod species: Acrocanthosaurus and Sauropodseiden (Paluxysaurus). This discovery is regarded as a significant development in paleontological history, particularly in Dinosaur Valley State Park.

Glen Kuban, a veteran in the study of Paluxy dinosaur tracks, has been involved in cleaning and mapping the tracks for more than 40 years. He and a team of volunteers, including members of various societies and organizations, have been diligently working to uncover and document these remarkable tracks.

While the drought allowed for this fascinating journey into history, the ongoing drought and extreme temperatures have also had adverse effects, particularly the draining of the once-beautiful Paluxy River, where people used to swim and fish.

Paul Baker, deeply connected to Dinosaur Valley State Park, described the experience of uncovering these dinosaur tracks as “extra special” and an opportunity to give back to a place and community he holds dear.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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