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Final Lunar Eclipse 2023: When And Where In Pakistan?

Final Lunar Eclipse 2023: When And Where In Pakistan?

This weekend, a striking celestial event is set to occur as the moon stages a captivating show in the form of a partial lunar eclipse, marking the culmination of a series of remarkable astronomical displays in October.

A partial lunar eclipse is imminent as the moon enters Earth’s shadow. It will be observable from various regions, including the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica, North America, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

Read more : Last Solar Eclipse of 2023 to Grace the Skies on October 14

This partial lunar eclipse coincides with October’s full moon, known as the Hunter’s Moon, commencing on Saturday, October 28, and extending into Sunday, October 29. However, it is important to note that this eclipse is partial due to the somewhat imperfect alignment of the Earth, moon, and sun.

As for Pakistan, it will have the opportunity to witness the partial lunar eclipse. According to the Met Office, the Penumbral Eclipse will commence at 23:02 PST on October 28, while the partial eclipse will begin at 00:35 PST on October 29. The penumbral eclipse is expected to conclude at 03:26 PST on October 29, and the partial eclipse will end at 01:53 PST.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth casts its shadow onto the surface of the moon, typically when the Earth stands between the sun and the moon. These events are only visible during a full moon and offer a fascinating spectacle for observers.