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Fawad Khan’s ‘Barzakh’ Trailer Blends Supernatural Fantasy with Offbeat Realism

Fawad Khan's 'Barzakh' Trailer Blends Supernatural Fantasy with Offbeat Realism

The highly anticipated trailer for “Barzakh” has finally been released, generating excitement as cast members share glimpses of this awaited masterpiece on their social media platforms. Directed by Asim Abbasi, known for “Cake” and “Churails,” the series stars Sanam Saeed and Fawad Khan in pivotal roles. From its initial impression, the trailer adeptly blends realism with supernatural elements against the backdrop of a family reunion.

The story revolves around a 76-year-old man who shocks his estranged family by announcing his marriage to the ghost of his first true love. This unconventional revelation sets off a chain of emotional revelations and confrontations, leaving the family torn between acceptance and intervention. Amidst the turmoil, a poignant question lingers: “When all else fades, will love endure?”

Also Read: First Look Revealed for Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed’s Upcoming Series Barzakh

Opening with breathtaking shots of Pakistan’s northern mountains, the trailer hints at a place called “Land of Nowhere,” likely the quirky setting of the hotel where much of the series unfolds. In a series where expectations are upended, audiences are urged to anticipate the unexpected.

Cult-like symbolism and occult themes dominate the trailer, featuring scenes of pink-clad figures with rocks tied to their backs performing rituals around a tree. Sanam Saeed encounters a mysterious red-shrouded figure amidst snow-covered mountains. The contrast between the scenic beauty of Hunza and the eerie, dimly lit moments filled with unsettling imagery intensifies the show’s chilling atmosphere.

The trailer concludes with enigmatic shots that deepen the mystery, featuring the reappearance of the haunting figures in pink and red, leaving viewers intrigued and eager for more. Who are these figures? What do they represent? One thing is certain: “Barzakh” is not your typical drama; it promises to enthrall and unsettle in equal measure.

With stellar performances from the ensemble cast, including Salman Shahid, Eman Suleman, Khushhal Khan, Faiza Gillani, Anika Zulfikar, and Franco Giusti, “Barzakh” is poised to be a must-watch. Produced by Shailja Kejriwal and Waqas Hassan, and featuring captivating cinematography by Mo Azmi, mark your calendars for July 19 when “Barzakh” premieres simultaneously on Zindagi’s YouTube and ZEE5.