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Pakistan Islamabad

Deadline Ends Today For Illegal Immigrants in Pakistan

Deadline Ends Today For Illegal Immigrants in Pakistan

The deadline for voluntary return to their home countries for undocumented immigrants, including Afghan refugees, is expiring today (Tuesday). Following this, the government will initiate a rigorous crackdown on them.

Around a month ago, based on the recommendations of the interim government, thousands of Afghan refugees and illegal immigrants from various nationalities commenced returning to their respective home countries. However, a significant number are still evading the government’s warnings and hiding.

In anticipation of the deadline, Sarfraz Bugti, the interim Minister for Interior, issued a stern warning during a press conference. He emphasized the government’s intention to take stringent measures against those attempting to escape and against locals aiding illegal immigrants within Pakistan.

Also Read: No Compromise For Illegal Immigrants As Deadline Looms, Interior Minister

Minister Bugti disclosed that the government had gathered data on all illegal immigrants throughout Pakistan using geo-fencing. After the deadline, these individuals will be apprehended and subsequently deported to their home countries after necessary documentation procedures.

In the context of these efforts to evacuate illegal immigrants from Pakistan, the United Kingdom’s government has pledged to resettle 2,000 Afghan refugees in the UK. The process of relocating Afghan refugees from Pakistan began on October 26 through chartered flights. Over the course of this operation, a total of 12 special charter flights will transport 2,000 refugees to the UK by the end of December, with a weekly flight carrying 200 passengers.

To facilitate this, Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority established special counters at Islamabad Airport for the convenience of Afghan refugees. The landing and take-off arrangements for these flights were established through mutual consultation between British authorities and the Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan.