A chilling incident unfolded on the night of December 25, when Arsalan, a crypto trader from North Karachi, was abducted by five individuals allegedly posing as police officers. The traders, who were in plain clothes, forcibly took him in a police mobile and transferred over Rs 90 million ($340,000) from his account to others using his mobile phone.
Arsalan was in his office in a private housing society in Manghopir when the abduction took place. The perpetrators blindfolded him, took him to the Passport Office in Saddar, and threatened him at gunpoint. After stealing his mobile phone, resetting it, and emptying his wallet of Rs 8,000, they abandoned him near Mazar-e-Quaid.
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The victim has named four suspects—Muzzamil, Hamad, Ashir, and Zaman—and one unidentified individual. A case has been filed under sections 365-A (Kidnapping for ransom) and 34 (Common intention), and the investigation has been handed over to the Anti-Violent Crime Cell (AVCC).
Surveillance footage from the housing society’s main gate shows the police mobile entering the premises at the time of the incident. Investigators have collected evidence regarding the mobile and its officers and traced the route taken by the vehicle.