ChatGPT’s response on whether Islam oppresses women goes viral

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Hassan Khan

ChatGPT's response on whether Islam oppresses women goes viral

Famous Instagram influencer Lily Jay sparked widespread discussion on social media by posing a provocative question to an AI language model, asking: “Does Islam oppress women?”

In response, the AI model provided a detailed explanation aligned with Islamic principles, clarifying that Islam does not oppress women. Instead, it emphasized that the religion grants women extensive rights and protections, many of which were revolutionary at the time of its revelation.

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Key Points Raised by the AI:

  1. Right to Education:
    • Islam supports both men and women in pursuing knowledge. The AI referenced the statement of Prophet Muhammad, who advocated for the pursuit of education by all Muslims, regardless of gender.
  2. Economic Rights:
    • Women in Islam have the right to own property, run businesses, and earn an independent income. These rights were advanced compared to other societies at the time, where women’s legal standing was often minimal or nonexistent.
  3. Marriage and Divorce:
    • Islam grants women the right to choose their spouses and to consent to marriage. It also allows women to seek divorce (khula) if they are unhappy in the marriage, providing them with autonomy in marital matters.
  4. Inheritance Rights:
    • Islam introduced the concept of women having a share in inheritance, a groundbreaking principle at the time of its revelation.
  5. Spiritual Equality:
    • The AI emphasized that Islam regards both men and women as equal before Allah, holding them accountable based on their actions and piety rather than their gender.

Lily Jay, known for engaging with socially relevant topics, used her platform to raise awareness and encourage discussions on the accurate representation of Islamic values regarding women’s rights. Her question and the subsequent discussion have generated significant engagement across social media platforms.


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