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Burglar Caught After Falling Asleep, Snoring Loudly

Burglar Caught After Falling Asleep, Snoring Loudly

In China, a thief named Yang became infamous for a comically failed burglary. Breaking into a house at night, he fell asleep during the robbery and was subsequently apprehended.

In the southwestern province of Yunnan on November 8, a thief entered a house after midnight, only to hear people inside conversing. To avoid detection, he opted to wait in another room until the homeowners went to bed. The would-be burglar, preparing to break in, lit a cigarette and dozed off shortly thereafter.

Read more : Lupin Season 3: A Daring Return Of The Gentleman Burglar

As reported by the South China Morning Post, Tang, the homeowner, heard loud snoring after she had gone to bed with her child. Initially dismissing it as a neighbor’s noise, she eventually realized the snoring emanated from another room in her home. After 40 minutes, while getting up to clean her child’s milk bottle, she noticed the snoring had grown considerably louder.

Upon opening the door, Tang was astonished to find a stranger sound asleep on the floor. Swiftly leaving the room, she informed her family and contacted the police. The authorities arrested the intruder, placing him behind bars.