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Argument Over Electricity Bill Leads To Youth Being Shot

Argument Over Electricity Bill Leads To Youth Being Shot

A dispute over a high electricity bill led to a man shooting and injuring his nephew at a residence on Sea Road in Faisalabad.

The wounded young man is currently in critical condition.

Arsalan engaged in a disagreement with his aunt regarding the inflated electricity bill, which escalated into a heated argument and eventually gunfire. Authorities stated that the victim’s uncle became enraged and fired at his nephew.

Read more : Jamat-e-Islami Calls September 2 Strike Against Electricity Bills

“The perpetrator has fled the scene and will be apprehended soon,” confirmed the police.

Previously, an audit report for the fiscal year 2022-23 unveiled various factors contributing to a surge in electricity bills and basic tariffs. These factors included “non-standard plants, permanent defaulters, capitation payment, and electricity theft.”

According to the report, distribution companies issued bills totaling an astonishing Rs2,302 billion to consumers during the fiscal year. However, the amount collected was notably lower, tallying up to only 1,849 billion rupees, resulting in a substantial deficit for the distribution companies.