Indian actress Archana Puran Singh has undergone surgery following a serious injury while shooting for a new film with Rajkummar Rao. During a routine filming session, Archana tripped and fell, resulting in a shattered wrist and facial injuries.
The actress was quickly taken to a hospital in Vile Parle, where doctors performed surgery, stabilizing the injury by inserting a wire around her wrist. In an update shared with her fans on her YouTube channel, Archana gave a candid account of the incident and her recovery process.
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The vlog includes real footage from the moment of the fall, showing Archana in distress as she collapsed, with crew members rushing to her aid. Her husband, actor Parmeet Sethi, was soon notified of the situation and joined her during the recovery process.
Despite the traumatic experience, Archana maintained a positive attitude, even joking about the hospital’s view of Mumbai, which she found so beautiful that she humorously considered staying longer before heading back to work.