Indian actor Mushtaq Khan, known for his role in Stree 2, was kidnapped in a ransom plot, just weeks after comedian Sunil Pal experienced a similar ordeal. The incident, reported by Indian media, took place after Khan, 50, was invited to an award show in Meerut on November 20, where he was promised an advance payment and flight tickets.
Upon arriving in Delhi, Khan was forcibly taken into a car and driven to the outskirts, near Bijnor, where he was held captive for nearly 12 hours. His captors demanded $120,000 (₹1 Crore) in ransom. According to Shivam Yadav, Khan’s business partner, the kidnappers also took over $2,400 from Khan’s and his son’s bank accounts.
Read More: Where is Sunil Pal? Renowned Indian Comedian Reported Missing
In a stroke of luck, Khan heard the morning azaan from a nearby mosque and managed to escape, seeking help from locals. With police assistance, he was safely returned home. Yadav described Khan’s family as being “completely shaken” by the incident.
Following the escape, an FIR was filed, and the authorities are investigating the case. Khan’s team has gathered evidence, including flight tickets, bank records, and CCTV footage near the airport, and Khan even recognizes the neighborhood and house where he was held.
Authorities suspect the kidnappers may be part of a larger syndicate targeting celebrities. Yadav expressed concern over the similarities between this kidnapping and Sunil Pal’s case, urging authorities to provide better protection for public figures in the industry.
Khan is recovering from the trauma and is expected to address the media soon.