Donkey Slaughterhouse Begins Operations in Gwadar

Picture of Hassan Khan

Hassan Khan

Donkey Slaughterhouse Begins Operations in Gwadar

Pakistan’s First Donkey Slaughterhouse in Gwadar Now Operational

Pakistan’s first donkey slaughterhouse in Gwadar has officially begun operations, and production is progressing smoothly. This marks a significant development in the country’s agricultural and export sectors.

Export Deal with China

Officials from the Ministry of Food shared details with the National Assembly Standing Committee on Food Security, revealing that a deal has been signed with China for the export of donkey skins and bones. A Chinese company has been assigned the task of overseeing all operations related to this trade in Gwadar.

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Challenges in Live Donkey Exports

During the meeting, the committee chairman raised concerns regarding the export of live donkeys to China. Officials explained that the live export process posed several challenges, which is why the focus has shifted to processing donkeys for their skins and bones. However, applications for additional slaughterhouses are already being received from other regions of Pakistan, and discussions are underway with several other Chinese companies for expanding operations.

Decline in Donkey Population

A committee member highlighted that donkeys have become less common in Pakistan, particularly with the rise of loader rickshaws, which have largely replaced donkeys for transport. He recommended efforts be made to breed high-quality donkeys to ensure a sustainable supply for the growing industry.

Duck Breeding Also Discussed

In addition to the donkey-related discussions, the committee also touched on the topic of duck breeding, signaling interest in diversifying Pakistan’s livestock breeding programs.

The operational slaughterhouse in Gwadar opens new avenues for Pakistan’s agricultural exports, particularly to China, and provides a unique economic opportunity in a sector that is quickly evolving.

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