Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced that 2,200 athletes who triumphed in the divisional competitions of the Khelta Punjab Games 2025 will receive free e-bikes. The initiative aims to recognize their achievements and encourage the youth towards more sustainable transportation options.
At the inaugural ceremony, the Chief Minister also granted the winners complimentary access to the Horse and Cattle Show. She expressed her ambition to see Punjab’s athletes achieve international recognition and bring honor to the nation.
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Maryam Nawaz further urged the youth to remain focused on their sporting pursuits and avoid being misled by those promoting chaos and unrest. She stressed that true champions must reject calls for anti-state actions and instead contribute to the nation’s progress and development.
Additionally, the CM held a meeting with European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, Olaf Skoog, where they discussed enhancing human rights and democracy in the region. Maryam Nawaz commended the EU’s ongoing partnership with Pakistan in advancing human rights and affirmed the country’s commitment to global human rights standards.