Is Nawaz Closer To Securing Premiership Position?

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Is Nawaz Closer To Securing Premiership Position?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]In the aftermath of the Islamabad High Court’s decision to examine the appeal of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the merits in the Al-Azizia reference, uncertainties have arisen regarding his participation in the upcoming general elections, causing concerns within the PML-N.

Insiders have disclosed that the party’s top legal and political strategists are currently engaged in intensive discussions, exploring various options to overcome the final obstacle blocking Nawaz’s path to reclaiming power. There is a fear within the party that a potential delay could become a stumbling block, leaving his eligibility hanging in the balance.

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The Islamabad High Court’s decision on Thursday to hear Nawaz Sharif’s appeal regarding his conviction in the Al-Azizia reference on merit indicates the court’s intention to delve into the substantive aspects of the case. This includes examining charges, defenses, evidentiary weight, and more, instead of focusing solely on procedural or jurisdictional matters.

“After the IHC’s move to deliberate Nawaz Sharif’s appeal on merit, he sought counsel from the legal team,” sources within the party revealed.

In a briefing to Nawaz and other senior leaders, the legal team highlighted that despite Nawaz’s sentence in the Al-Azizia reference being suspended, his disqualification remains a looming concern. There is a fear that if the reference is deliberated on merit by the IHC, further delays might ensue.

The legal team emphasized that a court order for PML-N supremo’s acquittal before the submission of nomination papers was critical. A prolonged acquittal process could result in legal complexities surrounding the nomination papers, likely to be challenged in court.

Exploring various legal avenues, they considered seeking interim relief from the IHC to facilitate the submission of nomination papers or engaging other available forums, including the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

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However, with the reference pending in the high court, the option of recourse to the Supreme Court remains inaccessible for the party at present.

With only 59 days left until the impending general elections and the ECP stipulating a minimum 54-day election schedule, experts anticipate the imminent announcement of the election schedule, necessitating the timely submission of nomination papers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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