UK University Suspends Students Over Gaza Solidarity Rally

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UK University Suspends Students Over Gaza Solidarity Rally

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On Tuesday, members of the Palestine Society at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) voiced their concerns, alleging that the university had taken disciplinary action against students in response to a rally held in support of Gaza.

A post from the SOAS Palestine Society on X conveyed a sense of urgency, stating, “URGENT: @SOAS University of London, known for its self-proclaimed progressive values, has officially initiated the suspension of its own students in the aftermath of a solidarity rally for Gaza. This represents a clear instance of political suppression. Please read further and share widely.”

The post went on to explain that on October 9, the Palestine Society, along with its student community, organized a rally in solidarity with the people of Gaza, drawing the participation of hundreds of students.

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According to the statement, on October 13 and 14, the university took action by suspending students and issuing warnings through its disciplinary procedures. This was characterized as a targeted form of political suppression against those who stand in support of the Palestinian cause.

The statement also expressed full solidarity with Palestine and condemned the university’s actions, calling for the reinstatement of suspended students to allow them to continue their studies and attend lectures.

Additionally, the university’s Palestine Society shared a link to an online petition. The petition demanded that the university cease all disciplinary proceedings against those involved in the protest, rescind formal warnings issued to Palestine Society Committee members, and reinstate the right to protest on the main building’s steps. It also urged the Student Union to advocate for students’ right to protest and exert pressure on the university to meet these demands.

Author and activist Fatima Bhutto expressed her disappointment in SOAS’ actions against students on X, stating, “I am deeply disappointed in @SOAS. I have always been proud of being a @SOASalumni, but not today. I stand in full solidarity with @SoasPalestine.”

Numerous Twitter users echoed these sentiments, criticizing the university for appearing to be on the wrong side of history and for allegedly infringing on freedom of expression. Several SOAS alumni took to Twitter to express their disapproval of the university’s actions, calling them shameful and inconsistent with its reputation as an inclusive and forward-thinking educational institution.



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