Shocking Reveal after Inspection of Imran Khan’s Cell

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Shocking Reveal after Inspection of Imran Khan's Cell

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text dp_text_size=”size-4″]The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on Monday issued a report from a district and sessions judge who inspected the Attock jail, stating that a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera was mounted directly in front of former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s cell, invading his privacy.

According to the report of the fortnightly jail inspection conducted on August 15, the CCTV camera was installed in such a way that it left no room for privacy for the former premier and PTI chairman, who has been confined at Attock jail since Aug 5 after being found guilty in the Toshakhana (gift repository) case.

According to the report of Attock’s Additional District & Sessions Judge, Shafqutullah Khan, Imran complained that his wife and lawyers were denied simple access when they came to visit him.

Imran “expressed grave concern as CCTV camera, installed in front of prison bars just at a distance of five to six feet covering the open bathroom-cum-latrine, having small L-shape walls about two-and-a-half to three-feet high, leaving no privacy while defecating and bathing,” according to the report.

When the court visited Imran’s cell, he noted that the “concern expressed by the prisoner is genuine and is also a violation of Rules 257 and 771 of the Pakistan Prison Rules, 1978.” It went on to say that prisoner Imran claimed that “his wife and lawyers have no easy access to him.”

Also Read: Imran Khan Receives 3-Year Jail Sentence and Disqualification

Following the PTI chairman’s complaint, the judge inquired about the CCTV camera and access to family and counsels from the jail superintendent present.

The inspection report stated that “the superintendent present there has given assurance to redress this grievance of the prisoner,” and that the superintendent had also “assured that the prisoner shall be given access to his wife and lawyers as per prevailing rules.”

The report noted that during the inspection, all necessary corners, such as the barracks of ladies inmates, minors, under-trial prisoners, civil prisoners, kitchen and hospital, were inspected and the residents were interrogated in detail.

“No complaint was received, rather, the inhabitants were found satisfied with regard to the provision of basic facilities,” the court remarked.

Meanwhile, the PTI Core Committee sharply criticized the jail authorities’ “inhuman and vindictive actions” against the PTI chairman in Attock, claiming that the judge has now testified.

The core committee stated during its meeting that the judge’s report underlined the “mistreatment of the PTI chairman in the Attock jail.”

The party added that the PTI Core Committee has been pointing out Imran’s inhuman, immoral, and ill-treatment in jail for a long time, but it was finally validated by the AD&SJ in his report.

Despite these steps, the committee stated that the PTI chairman was in good spirits and was clinging to his ideas like a rock.

The committee strongly criticized the “illegal arrest” of PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi by the FIA and the ill-treatment meted out to him in captivity during the meeting.

Also Read: PTI Claims Imran Khan ‘Slow Poisoned’ in Attock Jail

The committee also examined President Dr. Arif Alvi’s tweet and the consequent issue involving the acceptance of draft revisions to the Army Act and the Official Secrets Act.

The PTI Core Committee rejected the announcement from the Ministry of Law requesting the construction of a special court to hear charges under the Official Secrets Act.

Participants in the meeting expressed concern over Qureshi’s presence before the special court and holding in-camera hearings following the president’s tweet and clear attitude, saying that legislation could not be considered completed without the president’s permission.

According to the committee, the PTI will seek the Supreme Court to resolve a significant constitutional and state problem.

They also reviewed various aspects of the hearing of the PTI chairman’s appeal against his sentence in the Toshakhana case, as well as the hearing of his appeal in the Islamabad High Court on Tuesday (today).

During the conference, they reiterated their call for the formation of a high-powered judicial panel to investigate the cipher and bring the truth to the nation’s attention.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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