WHO review finds no connection between mobile phone use and brain cancer risk

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brain cancer

A new review commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) has found no link between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain cancer. The extensive analysis, which was published on Tuesday, examined data from 63 studies conducted between 1994 and 2022.

Despite the widespread rise in wireless technology use, including long phone calls and over a decade of mobile phone usage, there has been no corresponding increase in brain cancer cases.

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The review, conducted by 11 investigators from 10 countries, including Australia’s radiation protection authority, assessed the effects of radiofrequency exposure, which is used in mobile phones, TVs, baby monitors, and radar. Co-author Mark Elwood, a professor of cancer epidemiology at the University of Auckland, stated that the study found no increased risks for brain cancers in adults or children, nor for cancers of the pituitary gland, salivary glands, or leukemia, in relation to mobile phone use, base stations, transmitters, or occupational exposure.

This review aligns with previous research that has found no definitive evidence of harmful health effects from mobile phone radiation. However, mobile phone radiation is still classified as “possibly carcinogenic” (class 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a designation that the agency’s advisory group has suggested should be re-evaluated in light of the new data. The WHO is expected to release its updated evaluation in the first quarter of next year.


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