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YouTube has introduced a picture-in-picture feature for shorts

YouTube has introduced a picture-in-picture feature for shorts

YouTube has introduced several new features aimed at enhancing user engagement and multitasking capabilities on its platform, particularly for Shorts content and Premium subscribers. One of the key updates is the addition of picture-in-picture (PiP) viewing for YouTube Shorts on Android devices. This feature allows users to watch Shorts videos in a minimized window while continuing to use other apps, such as browsing or checking messages. Premium subscribers can now enjoy this multitasking capability, enabling them to stay entertained without interrupting their productivity on their devices. YouTube highlighted this feature as a significant enhancement for users who want to consume content seamlessly while multitasking.

In addition to PiP viewing, YouTube has begun testing a new @mention feature in comments. This feature allows users to mention other channels in comments by typing the ‘@’ symbol followed by the channel name or handle. The platform provides a recommended list of channels to choose from, making it easier to interact and mention specific creators in discussions. Currently, this @mention feature is being tested on both Android and iOS devices, with a select group of creators able to post comments with mentions. However, all viewers and creators can engage with these comments, promoting more interactive and personalized interactions within the YouTube community.

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Furthermore, YouTube is rolling out Shorts downloads for Premium subscribers, allowing them to download Shorts videos for offline viewing. This feature enhances accessibility and convenience for Premium members, ensuring they can enjoy Shorts content even when they are not connected to the internet. These updates underscore YouTube’s commitment to improving the viewing experience and fostering community engagement on its platform. By prioritizing features for Premium members like PiP viewing, @mentions, and Shorts downloads, YouTube aims to cater to diverse user preferences and behaviors while setting the stage for future enhancements.