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Passwords are now simple to crack with this AI tool


In a new article, Home Security Heroes demonstrates how effectively and rapidly passwords can be cracked using artificial intelligence (AI). The research highlights the powers of PassGAN, an AI programmed that analyses actual passwords from compromised databases to perfect the skill of password cracking.


Getting Past Typical Passwords

PassGAN was put to the test by Home Security Heroes, which used 15,600,000 common passwords. Alarmingly, 81% of the passwords may be broken in less than a month, 71% in less than a day, 65% in less than an hour, and 51% in less than a minute.

Length and Complexity of Passwords

The length and complexity of a password affect how easy it is to breach. Even with a mix of capital and lowercase characters, digits, and symbols, PassGAN could break a seven-character password in just six minutes. In under three minutes, a 13-character password with solely digits may be cracked.

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More robust passwords

The best safe passwords are those that mix length and complexity. An 18-character password with exclusively numbers would take 10 months to crack, but a nine-character password with a mix of various characters would take five years. A password containing 18 characters and a variety of character kinds would take six quintillion years to decipher.

How PassGAN Functions

Unlike conventional password-cracking tools, PassGAN is unique. PassGAN employs a neural network inside a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture as opposed to human methods and assumptions about password patterns. As a result, its ability to crack passwords is constantly improved through data analysis and learning.


Keeping Your Passwords Safe

Users can take the following actions to improve password security despite the threat posed by AI password cracking:


  • Make use of robust password patterns Longer passwords with at least 15 characters should contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid utilizing genuine words or patterns that are evident.
  • Alter passwords frequently: To prevent unauthorized access, change your passwords on a regular basis. If you believe there has been a security breach or if you have disclosed your with a wrong person.
  • Individuals may better defend themselves against AI-powered password cracking tools and maintain their online security by adhering to these recommendations and maintaining excellent password hygiene.