In a tragic incident in Quetta, a man named Anwarul Haq confessed to shooting and killing his 15-year-old daughter after becoming disapproving of her TikTok content. Haq, who had recently brought his family back to Pakistan from the United States, initially claimed that unidentified gunmen were responsible for her death but later admitted to the crime.
According to police officials, the family had objections to the teenager’s dressing, lifestyle, and social interactions. Her TikTok videos, which Haq found “objectionable,” were a central issue in the family’s growing tension. The police have seized the victim’s phone but are still investigating the locked device to explore further details, including whether this incident is linked to honor killing.
Read More: Man Arrested in Karachi for Allegedly Killing Family Over TikTok Videos
The suspect, who is a U.S. citizen, stated that his daughter had been creating content on TikTok during their time in the United States and continued to do so after their return to Pakistan. Police have charged Haq with murder, and investigations are ongoing, with his brother-in-law also arrested in connection with the crime.
The case has drawn attention to the cultural divide between the conservative norms in Pakistan and the younger generation’s use of social media platforms like TikTok, which have faced scrutiny and government action in Pakistan over content concerns.