UN Chief Urges Positive Resolution in Imran Khan’s Detention Case

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UN Chief Urges Positive Resolution in Imran Khan's Detention Case

The situation surrounding former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s detention has garnered international attention and reactions from various quarters. Here’s a summary based on the recent statements:

  1. UN Secretary-General’s Position: Antonio Guterres’ spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, expressed a desire to see Imran Khan’s situation “evolve in a much more positive way.” While acknowledging the UN Group on Arbitrary Detention’s recommendation for Khan’s release, Dujarric emphasized the need for a positive development in Khan’s political and legal circumstances.
  2. UN Human Rights Working Group: The group has deemed Imran Khan’s detention as arbitrary and a violation of international law, urging Pakistan for his immediate release.

Also Read: The Iddat marriage case against Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi is expected to conclude by July 8

  1. Pakistan’s Response: Law Minister Azam Nazeer Tarar reiterated Pakistan’s sovereignty in handling domestic legal matters, emphasizing that Khan’s arrest and ongoing legal proceedings are in accordance with national laws and international norms. Tarar highlighted that Khan is receiving due process and legal rights under Pakistani law.
  2. US State Department’s Position: The US State Department, through Vedant Patel, stated that Imran Khan’s detention is viewed as an internal matter for Pakistan. Patel referenced the UN’s declaration on the matter and deferred to the UN for further details, indicating that the US has no additional assessment to offer at this time.

Overall, the situation remains complex with differing perspectives on the legality and implications of Imran Khan’s detention, reflecting ongoing international scrutiny and Pakistan’s stance on sovereign governance and legal processes.

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