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Pakistan Sindh

Two Holidays For Schools, Colleges In Sindh

Two Holidays For Schools, Colleges In Sindh

The Sindh government has declared a public holiday for all educational institutions on February 26 in observance of Shab-e-Barat. This announcement, coupled with the already scheduled Sunday off, grants students in schools and colleges in the southeastern region a consecutive two-day break.

A formal notification from the Sindh Education Department articulates the decision, stating, “In pursuance of the decision of the Steering Committee meeting, all the public and private educational institutions under the administrative control of the College Education Department shall remain closed on Monday (February 26, 2024) on account of Shab-e-Baraat.”

Read more: Sindh Declares Public Holiday On February 26

Shab-e-Barat, observed on Sunday night and Monday, holds significance for followers of Islam in Pakistan and various parts of the world. During this occasion, Muslims believe that Allah determines the destinies of individuals for the upcoming year. This encompasses key aspects such as their life, death, sustenance, and overall fortune.

The provision of a public holiday aligns with the cultural and religious significance attached to Shab-e-Barat, allowing individuals the time and space for religious observances, family gatherings, and personal reflection. The consecutive two-day break for educational institutions recognizes the importance of accommodating cultural and religious practices within the broader societal framework.

As the decision emanates from a Steering Committee meeting, it reflects a coordinated approach by relevant authorities in recognizing the cultural and religious diversity within the region. Such measures contribute to fostering an inclusive environment where individuals can observe and celebrate their religious events without compromising on their educational commitments.

In essence, the declaration of a public holiday for educational institutions in Sindh on February 26 manifests as a thoughtful acknowledgment of the cultural and religious values embedded in the community. It also showcases a commitment to providing individuals with the opportunity to engage in meaningful observances during Shab-e-Barat, underscoring the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity in governance.


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