Turkish Novel Written from Prison Bars Becomes Bestseller

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Turkish Novel

A remarkable collaboration has emerged from an unusual pairing: a jailed Kurdish leader and a Turkish writer. Together, they authored *Duet in Purgatory*, a highly successful crime novel that delves into Turkey’s turbulent history and the Kurdish conflict.

The novel’s creation was a unique process. The Kurdish leader Selahattin Demirtas, who is serving a 42-year sentence, and Turkish author Yigit Bener, exchanged ideas and chapters without pre-agreed plot details, characters, or style. This “chess-like” approach, where each contributed without prior discussion, was a significant gamble.

The partnership began when Bener, impressed by Demirtas’s short stories, sent him a copy of Louis-Ferdinand Celine’s *Journey to the End of the Night* with a note expressing solidarity. Demirtas, a former co-president of Turkey’s third-largest political party, had been imprisoned in 2016. His detention was later condemned by the European Court of Human Rights, which called for his release.

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The idea of writing a novel together was initially a means to keep Demirtas occupied. As their correspondence developed, they managed to produce 13 chapters of the novel. The process was described by Bener as “fun” but also challenging, as they took turns writing and revising the text.

The book’s success has been substantial. Demirtas’s publishing house, Dipnot, released an initial run of 55,000 copies, with more planned for September. The novel’s appeal lies in its timely exploration of reconciliation through its characters, reflecting Turkey’s polarized climate.

Bener, who was able to meet Demirtas in prison on the book’s release day, was deeply moved by the occasion. The book’s critical reception has been positive, with readers and critics praising its engaging narrative.


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